User Reviews for Saaras Family Salon & Spa

Ganesan S
23 October 2013

I have purchased many deals in Mydala and I am happy about the same. So the opinion above is not about mydala and is about this particular deal and about the particular SPA only.

Ganesan S
17 October 2013

I dont know why these people advitise heavy 75% discount and charge the base price high. When I enquired about the SPA charges, they said Auroma oil massage for Rs 3600 for 30 minutes and after discount Rs900. This is higher than very reputed SPA and Star hotels.

Ganesan S
17 October 2013

I called the Merchant - since they have not mentioned the Charges. For auroma oil massage duration 50 minutes - they claim 3600 before discount and 900 after discount. This is much higher than star hotels and reputed spa centers. I donot know why they advertise heavy discount like 75% by increasing the base price.

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