
How You Can Help a Friend Deal With Depression...


T oday is World Health Day and each year, on this day, World Health Organization (WHO) selects a theme... This year, the theme is: ‘Depression: Let’s talk’. More people suffer from depression than anyone cares to admit! But, if a friend confides in you that he or she is suffering from depression and anxiety, don’t take that for granted.

Here are 5 ways you can help your friend who's battling with depression.

1. Read early signs

Read early signs of depression. Determine the sleep patterns, changes in appetite & weight, do they seem helpless, do they show loss of interest in daily activities, do they get agitated easily, do they cry often, do they get tired easily? These might seem to be a part of daily life’s lows but if the occur for a prolonged period of time, you should take it seriously!

2. Help them find help

Talk to them and encourage them to seek professional help. Offer to help finding them a counselor or a therapist. Make a list of questions to ask the therapist. Because, for a person with depressions, these first steps alone can be difficult to overcome!

3. Avoid offering advice

You might want to heal heartache and the dark phase that your friend’s going through, but offering an advice would seem like an insult to them. Instead, just ask them, “What can we do to make you feel better?” when a person asks for help, he will more likely to be inclined to being guided.

4. Listen

It's not always that they seek advice or help from you, most of the times they just need someone to talk to, just to feel light. Make sure you're there to listen – do not interrupt and don’t be judgemental!

5. Be patient

Patience is the most important part of supporting your friend. When you're patient with your friend, you're letting him know that no matter how long it's going to take, how involved the treatments are going to be, you're always going to be there with him!

Taking the time and showing that you care, to someone who's battling depression, can make a world of difference. Remind them that you're there for them.

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