1 Votes

Soul Salon

Soul Salon ADDRESS

Dombivali : Lodha Shopping Center, Elite Chownk, PMC Bank Building Beside Idea Gallery , Lodha Heaven, Agri Kholi Chownk, Dombivli East, Mumbai - 421204


Soul Salon DEALS

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All Days Open: Timings 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Soul Salon Known for

Beauty, Hair

Deal Terms

Soul Salon REVIEWS

30 July 2020

Soul Unisex Salon is following every rules to ensure utmost safety of customer during this difficult times of corona pandemic. I was totally satisfied with thier service. They are useing sodium hypochlorite solution to disinfection the floor and surface,chair plus whlie entering the salon at enery point they are checking body temperature through thermal thermometer,then Sanitization ... I can write an eassy but this is enough I guess.

5 stars - based on 1 reviews of Soul Salon
Soul Salon is a spacious, well-furnished salon that offers an array of hair care, beauty, styling and makeup services that are designed to help you look your stylish best. They always aim to generate very high levels of customer satisfaction and is truly committed to master the art of exemplary services and provide surreal beauty and grooming experience to their clients.